Posted: 7 years ago

Spotlight on: Our Laminating Team

Goldray Glass is fortunate to be a company that is filled with hard-working teams and our Laminating Department is no exception. This team manages an incredibly difficult and meticulous job - the process of producing high quality laminated glass.

This labour intensive technique involves perfectly lining up two pieces of glass along with an interlayer to bond them together. Because this process is so sensitive to dust and imperfections, the utmost care and attention to detail is required. After sealing up each individual piece and ensuring no defects, the glass is exposed to heat and pressure, which permanently fuses the pieces together.

Laminated glass is recognized for its superior strength and durability to regular glass and is used as safety glass for items like elevator cabs and railings. Goldray is known for its high-quality laminated glass, which is due in part to the extra care and attention that our Laminating Department puts into every single piece.

Even though the process is tough, the team doesn’t stop until they do it right, which sometimes means working nine-hour days, six days a week. They are also the last people to see the glass before it is crated and shipped off to the customer, which means providing a thorough visual inspection and ensuring the utmost cleanliness. While the hours are long and the work is hard, this five-person team loves to inject fun and positivity into their workdays.

Team members Mada, Joel, Dante, Yonas and Rudy all originally hail from around the world, from Eritrea to the Philippines to Peru, and they love taking the time to learn about each of their different cultures. During Christmas, the team decorates their department and listens to festive music from their various countries. Team leader Mada also takes the time to celebrate a job well done, buying pizza and bringing everyone together for a pizza party. All of the team members are also very family-oriented and everyone always stops to ask about each other’s wives and kids.

Each member of the Laminating Department also brings a unique background and skill set to the team. Joel, for example is an electrician by trade. In addition to his ability to produce beautiful glass, he also expertly assembles all of the control boxes for our QuickFrost privacy glass. Rudy and Dante are both known for paying a tremendous amount of attention to detail, which doesn’t go unnoticed by their teammates. Jonas is the newest member of the team, but is an incredibly quick learner and has no trouble keeping up in this fast-paced environment.

With their diverse, multicultural backgrounds, amazing work ethic and top-notch skills, this team has come together like a well-oiled machine. As the saying goes, “A company is only as extraordinary as the people who work there.” When it comes to the Laminating Department, Goldray has definitely hit the jackpot.

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